Saturday 10 April 2010


Apologies that it has been so long since my last posting!

Anyway, things are going well. Enjoying being back at work, although still missing being at home! Started the new position in a different department this week, although still doing a lot of work for the previous department. This will stop soon though and I will be left to my new role. A bit of a change in direction for me, but something to get my teeth into, having been almost on auto-pilot for the last few years. It will be good to learn something new.

Suzanne continues to improve on LDN - I am still in awe of the way this drug has turned her life around. She still has some symptoms here and there, but nothing compared to those before LDN. And she, together with Sally, has been doing some amazing work in helping the LDN Research Trust. There have been some challenges and obstacles to overcome here and I sincerely hope that their efforts are being channelled in the right direction.

Well, that's it for now and I will try to remember to post more regularly!

Sunday 21 March 2010

LDN First Hand Experience!

Yesterday, I had an awful head cold and felt really rough. Woke up with my eyes sore and swollen and had difficulty breathing properly. That continued all day, so late last night I decided to take 1.5mg of LDN. Well today, after a solid nights sleep, I would say that I am 75% better. Eyes back to normal and breathing fine. Even the headache that has been constant over the last two days, has now disappeared. I could put it down to the 15,000 units of vitamin D3 that I took yesterday, and that may have something to do with it, but I believe that it is the LDN once again working it's magic.
Suzanne continues to improve and is now taking 2.5mg per day. Take a look at the fantastic video she has made to help people to understand the condition. Made with the help of Sally, who has also had amazing results with LDN for her fibromyalgia.

Monday 8 March 2010

Like putting on an old slipper!

Back to work again today. I had forgotten how much I hate the rush hour! Once I got to work, though, in familiar surroundings and I was straight back into familiar work and plenty of it. Kept busy all day, but did get the chance to wander around a couple of times and saw some people I knew, who all seemed very glad to see me back. The downside is that I really missed my darling wife, having spent so much time at home with her over the last couple of months.
My boy went off to Osmington Bay this morning until Friday. We are both missing him - the house is not the same without him. Just hope he has a good time and doesn't get too homesick!

Friday 5 March 2010

Hi Ho, Hi Ho....

Yes, I am going back to work on Monday!

Had a conference call this afternoon detailing what is required of me for the first month, before, hopefully, a longer term contract is in place. This is work I have done before, so I know what I am doing.

Really pleased, although I will miss being at home during the day and spending so much time with my lovely wife. But, until we win the lottery, I need to work!

Tuesday 2 March 2010

...still waiting, but!

Trying not to get my hopes up, but received an email today suggesting that a job offer may not be too far away now! Requested that I be patient, but that they are very keen for me to join the team. Just a question of agreeing the terms of the contract.
Obviously sounds very promising, but cannot take anything for granted.

Saturday 27 February 2010


Suzanne is continuing to improve day by day, but must still remember not to try and do too much and make sure she gets enough rest. But, in the space of a week, the LDN has worked wonders and she is still on the starting dose. This drug just HAS to be made readily available to everyone who needs it. The problem is, though, that not enough people know that they need it, because they do not know of it's existence. It is a scandal that it is pushed to the background in favour of more profitable treatments. People need to be made aware!

Sally has now received her LDN and has taken her first dose tonight, so I am really hoping that it is as effective for her as it has been for Suzanne. I am very confident that it will be.

Good news tonight, in that the petition for CCSVI has reached it's target, which was 10,000 signatures by the 1st March. Here's hoping that the Government take notice for once!

Monday 22 February 2010

LDN working it's magic!

Suzanne has had a good weekend - LDN is certainly working for her, but she still needs to go easy on herself. She still needs to rest when she can and not try to do too much too soon.
She has been sick this evening, but I think this was something she ate, rather than any side-effects.

Well done also to Sally for getting out and about today - hang in there until you can get on the LDN - it will be worth the wait.